

§1. Lussodi online store

1. Sole proprietorship with its registered office in Suchy Bór, Szkolna 11 a 46-053, NIP 9910546930, REGON 523591097, runs the LUSSODI online store in the domain

§2. Definitions

1. "Delivery Address" - means the address provided when placing the Order or at
setting up an Account to which the Store sends the Goods.
2. "Customer's E-mail Address" - means the Customer's e-mail address provided when placing the Order or when setting up the Account.
3. "Order Cancellation" - means a message sent by e-mail in which the Store declares to the Customer that due to the Customer's failure to pay for the Order and the expiry of the Order Payment Period, the Order is cancelled.
4. "Account Access Data" - means a total login (in the form of an E-mail Address
Customer) and the password assigned to the Account.
5. "Order Form" - a tool that is used by the Customer to place an Order for Goods placed in the Basket without the need to create an Account.
6. "Civil Code" - means the Act of April 23, 1964 - Civil Code.
7. "Customer" - means an entity that has set up an Account or submitted an Account within the Store
Order using the Order Form, or used the Basket, or added the Goods to Favorites, or used other services or tools provided by the Store.
8. "You" or the relevant second person plural phrases (e.g. "you may", "you receive", etc.) also refer to the Customer.
9. "Consumer" - means a natural person making a legal transaction with the entrepreneur
not directly related to its business or professional activity.
10. "Account" or "My Account" - means a tool with which the Customer retains his name, surname, E-mail Address and other data for the purposes of using the Store, may place Orders and use other Store services.
11. "Cart" - means a tool with which the Customer indicates the Goods
intended for a possible order and their number. The basket may allow
the Customer to also use other services or tools, in particular
marking Goods as Favorites.
12. "Consignment Brands" - means Goods of other entities that are bound by a consignment agreement with the Company and on behalf of which the Company sells the Goods, charging a commission specified in the agreement.
13. "Newsletter" - means electronically sent to Customers by the Store information about the Goods and the Store, including on discounted goods, contests, announcements of new Goods and other matters that, in the reasonable opinion of the Store, may be of interest to Customers.
14. "Order Payment Deadline" - applies if the Customer chooses the form of payment by bank transfer to the Store's bank account for the Order and means 7 working days from the date of receipt by the Customer of the Order Acceptance and information about the data necessary to make payment for the Order.
15. "Confirmation of Order Receipt" - means a message sent by e-mail in which the Store notifies the Customer that he has received the Order.
16. "Order Acceptance" - means a message sent by e-mail in which the Store declares to the Customer that it accepts the Customer's offer in the form of an Order.
17. "Regulations" - means these Regulations.
18. "Shop" - means the Lussodi online store operating in the domain, run by a sole proprietorship. The phrase "I" or the corresponding verbs in the first person singular (e.g. "I can", "I will deliver", etc.) also refer to the Store and to a sole proprietorship.
19. "Parties" - means the Client and sole proprietorship.
20. "Goods" - means an item in the Store's assortment for which the Customer may place an Order.
21. "Agreement" - an agreement for the provision of electronic services by the Store to the extent provided for in the Regulations.
22. "Sales contract" - a contract concluded by the Customer with a sole proprietorship, to which the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a dangerous product applies.
23. "Favorite" or "Favorite" - a Good or a set of Goods marked in this way by the Customer and saved as "Favorite" outside the Basket.
24. "Order" - means an offer to purchase the Goods placed in the Basket, which the Customer submits to the Store.
25. "Registered Customer" means a Customer who has set up an Account in the Store.

§3. General Provisions

1. These Regulations are addressed to all Customers of the Store - they define the rules for using the Store, the rules for placing orders in the Store and the rules for concluding Sales Agreements.
2. Each Customer may receive access to the Regulations at any time.
3. The store is run by a sole proprietorship and enables the purchase of Goods via the electronic network (Internet), at the address:
4. Information about products in the Store, including e.g. descriptions and prices of the Goods constitute an invitation to submit an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code, in accordance with the terms of the Regulations.
5. Goods in the Store are marked in detail. The Customer has access to information on the properties of the Goods, their prices, materials from which they are made, etc.
6. The photos of the offered Goods are exemplary and are used for presentation specifically
indicated models. Their appearance in reality may differ slightly from the photos presented on the website.

§4. The territorial scope of the Store's operation

1. The Store delivers the Goods within the European Union and outside its area after prior arrangement of the form of shipment.

§5. Technical requirements related to the use of the Store by Customers

1. To use the Store, the Customer should have:
a) telecommunications device for browsing websites, e.g.
computer, smartphone, tablet;
b) software for browsing websites, e.g. Chrome, Firefox,
Internet Explorer;
c) Internet connection;
d) e-mail account.

§6. Duty of loyalty

1. The customer will not use the Store in a way that violates the law or good manners.
2. In particular, the Customer will not:
a) took actions that, contrary to the law or decency, cause damage to the Store or third parties or infringe their personal rights;
b) violated the rights of the Store or third parties to intellectual property related to the Store, the operation of the Store or the Goods
c) interfered with the smooth operation of the Store;
d) obtained or tried to obtain access to data to which he is not entitled, in particular by violating security measures.
3. Voluntarily providing data in the Store, e.g. when setting up an Account, completing the Order form or ordering the Newsletter, is tantamount to ensuring that the acting person is entitled to provide data and use them, in particular to use the e-mail account provided. In particular, setting up an Account or placing an Order on behalf of a legal person or other organizational unit is equivalent to ensuring that the acting person is entitled to
represent this legal person or other organizational unit.
4. A person who violates the rules set out in the paragraph above bears it
responsibility for any damages and other consequences of unauthorized actions.
5. Regardless of the consequences provided for, among others, under the provisions of civil and criminal law, violation of any of the above rules, attempt or complicity authorizes the Store to immediately terminate the provision of services to the Customer. The assessment of the rights and obligations of the parties under the concluded contracts for the sale of Goods to the Customer by the Store depends on the circumstances of the infringement.

§7. Intellectual property

1. The Store is entitled to the intellectual property of items related to the Store's operations.
2. The Store informs that all photos, publications and texts available on the Store's website are protected by the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 1994 No. 24 item 83).
3. Copyright is also protected by graphics, logos, texts owned by the Store or its suppliers. It is forbidden to unlawfully copy, multiply or distribute any content posted on the Store's website.

 §8. Security of using the Internet and the Store

1. Using the Internet, including the Store, requires the Customer to exercise due diligence in order to protect the Customer or other persons from material or non-financial dangers, e.g. loss of cash or Goods, breach of privacy, loss of data, destruction or damage to devices used from the Internet, such as computers, smartphones, tablets.
2. The customer is responsible for using the Internet and the Store in a safe manner.
3. The Store recommends that safe use of the Internet, and in particular the Store, should include, among others:
a) using software only from trustworthy and legal sources;
b) use standard anti-virus and protection software against other attacks;
c) software update;
d) connecting to the Internet via trusted connections;
e) protection against unauthorized access by third parties to the Account Access Data, in particular the Account password, as well as access data to other services that may be important when placing or executing the Order, e.g. e-mail and payment services; periodic changes of the password increase the security of the Account;
f) avoiding the use of publicly available devices and unsecured networks;
g) logging out of the Account in a timely manner, e.g. upon leaving
computer or lending it to another person;
h) paying attention to information about possible threats when using electronic services, e.g. no https inscription or symbol or information about an outdated https certificate;
i) ensuring the hardware efficiency of devices for using the Internet.
4. The customer will immediately notify the Store if he becomes aware of the infringement
security that has or may affect the Customer's relationship with the Store.
5. The lack of notification referred to in the preceding paragraph results in
regardless of other effects provided for by law, that the Customer acts towards the Store at his own risk.
6. The Store does not ask Customers to provide Account Access Data by e-mail or by phone. If the Customer receives such correspondence, he should assume that he is dealing with an attempt of unauthorized access to data and not provide the data. In such a situation, we ask customers to immediately notify the Store.
7. E-mail services are often equipped with so-called anti-spam filters, i.e. tools for automatic elimination of unsolicited correspondence. Anti-spam filters may erroneously eliminate correspondence that is not spam, including messages from the Store, e.g. Order Receipt Confirmation or Order Acceptance. In the event that the expected message from the Store does not arrive, we suggest checking whether the message has not been blocked by an anti-spam filter. The customer is responsible for the settings of the anti-spam filter in his e-mail account and most often has the option to change the filter settings.

§9. Electronic services provided by the Store

1. The store provides the following electronic services under the contract:
a) maintaining Customer Accounts;
b) enabling purchases in the Store;
c) enabling Customers to mark Goods as Favorites;
d) delivering the Newsletter.

 §10. Currency

1. Prices, fees and other monetary values are given in Polish zlotys (PLN) or in euros (EUR), in accordance with the Store settings selected by the Customer.
2. The default setting of the Store, if the Customer does not indicate the currency, is Polish zlotys (PLN).
3. If the Customer browses the Store's website from a device located outside the Republic of Poland, the default currency setting is euro (EUR), unless the settings or properties of the Customer's device, software or network affect the reading of the device's location by the Store.

 §11. Gross prices

1. The store provides gross prices, i.e. including the value added tax (VAT) calculated in accordance with Polish law. The tax amount is listed next to the price on the receipt or VAT invoice.
2. The Store reserves the right to change the prices and quantities of Goods in the Store's offer during the day, withdraw or introduce individual products to the Store's offer, carry out and withdraw promotional campaigns on the Store's website, as well as modify them.

§12. The image of the Goods

1. Despite the care taken by the Store, there is a margin of technical inaccuracy when capturing the images of the Goods, publishing the Goods in the Store and displaying them on the screen of the user's device. The image may differ from the Goods in the above scope for reasons related to photographic technology, software, properties and screen settings of the device used by the user, or for other technical reasons.
2. The image shows only one size of the Good and is not updated, despite indicating other sizes in the Store, e.g. in the Basket or Favorites.
3. The image of the Goods does not have to represent the same item ordered by the Customer, but a copy of the same model. Goods within the same model may differ within the standards of good craftsmanship, which in particular may apply to hand-made Goods.
4. The image of the Good may be accompanied by information in the form of text or symbols, including the price, model, size, color version and other features of the Good. In the event of a difference between the image of the Goods and the above information, the content of the information in the form of text or symbols is decisive.
5. In the event of any doubts or questions regarding the image of the Goods, the Customer should immediately refrain from ordering and contact the Store. If possible, the Store will provide additional information about the Goods, provide additional images of the Goods, and enable personal examination of the Goods before placing an order.
6. Differences between the Goods and the image of the Goods referred to in this provision do not constitute a defect of the Goods or non-compliance of the Goods with the contract.

§13. Language selection

1. On the Store's website or in the Account settings, the Customer may choose from two language versions of the website and the Regulations: English and Polish.

§14. Invitation to tender

1. Images of the Goods and information about the Goods presented in the Store are addressed to the general public and are an invitation to submit offers and do not constitute an offer for sale within the meaning of the Civil Code. Information about the nature of the relevant images and information as only an invitation to submit offers accompanies the images and information presented in the Store.

§15. Conclusion of the Sales Agreement

1. To conclude a Sales Agreement, an Order must be placed on the Store's website.
2. Customers may place Orders around the clock, on all days of the week.
3. Orders placed on non-working days will be processed on the first working day following the day on which the order was placed.
4. The condition for proceeding with the execution of the Order is making the payment and providing all the necessary data for shipment.
5. For some goods, the date of shipment is indicated in its description.

§16. Order submission forms

 1. The Customer may place an Order using the Order Form or using the Account.
2. The order applies to the model, color version, size and other characteristics of the Goods specified in the Basket.

§17. The order form

1. The Order Form is available on the Store's website, it has the title "I don't have an account" or similar and allows you to place an Order for the Goods in the Basket.
2. The Order Form requires the Customer to provide the following data:
a) Postal address
b) Name and Surname
c) Country
d) Zip code
e) City
f) Street
h) Telephone
3. When completing the Order Form, the Customer receives information that the Store processes the Customer's personal data for the purpose of enabling purchases in the Store and the execution of Orders.
4. The customer may voluntarily consent to the processing of personal data for the marketing purposes of the Store.
5. The Order Form contains a question about consent to the processing of personal data
the client in order to:
a) execution of the Order,
b) marketing activities of the Store.
6. The form requires a statement that the Customer has read the Regulations and agrees to the Regulations.
7. The lack of delivery data and declarations as to the Regulations required in these Regulations makes it impossible to place an Order.

§18. Account Functionality

 1. The Account enables the Registered Customer to place Orders.
2. The Store enables the Registered Customer to use additional tools and services as part of the Account:

a) access to the history of Orders
b) returns
c) marking Goods as favorites
d) information about sales and promotions
e) invitations to events
f) taking advantage of promotions available only to Registered Customers
3. The Store may allow the Registered Customer to use others

 §19. Create an account

1. Creating an Account is possible only via the Store's website at the Customer's request.
2. Setting up an Account requires the Customer to provide the following data:
a) Email Address
b) name and surname
c) address
3. Setting up an Account may require providing data on the Customer's gender. Store
respects the principles of gender equality.
4. Setting up an Account requires entering and confirming the password with which the Customer will log in to the Account. The password should have at least 9 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one symbol.
5. The Customer may provide additional data that will be used as implied data when placing Orders:
a) delivery address
b) telephone
c) payment method
6. Delivery takes place to the Customer's address provided when registering the Account, unless the Customer has indicated a different delivery address. The Customer may register more delivery addresses in the Account, as well as change the delivery address when placing an Order.
7. When setting up an Account, the Customer receives information that the Store processes the Customer's personal data for the purpose of enabling purchases in the Store, maintaining the Account and executing Orders. The customer may give voluntary consent to the processing of personal data for the marketing needs of the Store.
8. Setting up an Account requires the Customer's statement that he has read the Regulations and agrees to the Regulations.
9. Failure to provide the data referred to in this provision makes it impossible to set up an Account. The lack of statements regarding the Regulations has the same effect.

§20 Order confirmation

1. After placing the Order by the Customer, he will receive a message on the Store's website and to the e-mail address provided in the Order containing information about the items in the Order, the number of Goods, the value of the order, the selected type of delivery and payment, the time of order completion and the Customer's contact details.
2. The message is a confirmation of the receipt by the Store of the offer to purchase the Goods by the Customer.
3. After receiving the above-mentioned confirmation, the Sales Agreement is concluded
Goods ordered by the Customer.
4. The sales contract is concluded in accordance with these Regulations.
5. The Store reserves the right to refuse to process an order under the Sales Agreement if the Customer's contact details are untrue, the transaction has not been authorized in the electronic payment system or the payment for the order has not been made within the specified time.

§21. payment

1. Settlements of transactions by payment card and e-transfer are carried out with
2. The store accepts payments:
a) VISA and MasterCard cards
b) by traditional transfer
c) PayPal
d) by transfer to a bank account for: LUSSODI 46-053 Suchy Bór Szkolna 11a for payments in PLN (PLN) to the following account:
for payments in euro (EUR) to the account:
3. The payment deadline for the Order in the case of choosing payment by bank transfer to the Store's bank account, i.e. in accordance with §21 d), is 5 working days.
4. If the Store does not record the payment on the Store's bank account for the payment for the Order, it may cancel the Customer's Order. In this case, the Store will immediately inform the Customer about the cancellation of the Order.

§22. Warranty for defects in the Goods

1. In the event that the Goods have physical defects consisting in non-compliance of the sold item with the contract, the Customer has the rights under the provisions of the Civil Code, in particular the right to exchange the goods for free from defects or to withdraw from the sales contract, unless the defect is the result of incorrect behavior of the Customer that caused it.
2. In order to pursue claims under the Warranty for defects in the Goods, the Customer is obliged to provide evidence that the defect does not exist at the time of delivery of the goods to the Customer.
3. In the event that the Customer, under the warranty, requests the repair of the Goods or the replacement of the Goods with a defect-free one, the Store has the right to refuse to meet his request if it is impossible for the Store to meet or requires excessive costs and may propose a different solution.

§23. Complaints

1. A Sole Proprietorship as a seller is liable to the Customer who is
a consumer within the meaning of art. 221 k.c. for non-compliance of the Goods purchased by the Customer with
A sales contract, to the extent specified in the Act on special conditions of sale
consumer law and the amendment to the Civil Code of July 27, 2002.
2. Each item purchased in the Store can be advertised with the appropriate rules
the terms and conditions of the complaint if it has defects that constitute its non-compliance with
Sales agreement.
3. Complaints should be submitted to the address, providing the following data:
a. name and surname of the Client;
b. Customer address;
c. Receipt or invoice number;
d. Type and size of the Goods;
e. Date of purchase of the Goods;
f. The circumstances of finding a defect in the Goods;
g. Description of the defect in the Goods;
h. Customer's request to the Store;
i. Expressing consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of complaint about the Goods.
2. The Store considers the complaint within 14 days from the receipt of the Customer's statement by the Store.
3. If the complaint must be sent to the manufacturer of the Goods, the length of waiting for the complaint to be considered will depend on the regulations of the manufacturer of the Goods. The customer will be informed by e-mail or phone immediately about the need to send a complaint to the manufacturer.
4. The customer will be notified about the consideration of the complaint by e-mail.

§24. Reservation of ownership of the Goods

1. Until the Customer pays the full amount due for the Goods, the Goods remain the property of the Store.

§25. Shipment and collection of the Goods

1. The Customer may indicate the following methods of shipping or collecting the Goods:
a) shipping to the Delivery Address using the carrier indicated by the Store for a fee in accordance with the standard tariff;
2. The Store may suspend the shipment or transfer of the Goods for collection until the price and possible shipping cost are credited to the Store's bank account.
3. The cost of shipping is covered by the Customer, it is added to the price and indicated separately in the Order, Confirmation of Receipt of the Order and Acceptance of the Order. For purchases over PLN 1,000, shipping is free.
4. Goods that have been returned to the Store by the carrier due to the application
incorrect Delivery Address or due to failure to pick up the shipment on time
due to circumstances attributable to the Customer, will be returned to the Store at the Customer's expense. Re-shipping requires re-paying the shipping cost.
5. The Customer who is not a Consumer takes over the benefits and burdens related to the Goods, as well as the risk of loss, damage or delay in the delivery of the Goods upon handing over the item by the Store to the carrier. The store is not responsible for loss, damage or delays that occur after the Goods have been released to the carrier.
6. The customer is obliged to check the contents of the shipment, including the Goods, in the presence of the courier. If the package is damaged, the Customer is obliged to write down the damage report and contact the Store. A customer who is not a consumer is obliged to immediately examine the shipment. In the event of detecting damage or shortages in the Goods, the Customer is obliged to take all actions that are necessary to determine the liability of the carrier for damage to the Goods.

§26. Consumer's right to withdraw from the contract

1. The customer has the right to withdraw from the sales contract concluded with the Store within 14 days without giving any reason. The deadline to withdraw from the contract expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer came into possession of the item or on which a third party other than the carrier and indicated by the Customer came into possession of the item.
2. To exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, the Customer should either:
a.) send a statement to the Store to the e-mail address:
3. The customer may use the model withdrawal form, which is available on the Store's website.
4. The customer should send the withdrawal form electronically on the Store website. If the Customer uses this option, the Store will immediately send the Customer a confirmation of receipt of information about withdrawal from the contract on a durable medium (e.g. by e-mail).
5. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, it is necessary that the Goods still have an intact, undamaged security tag (the so-called "security tag"), which is marked with the Goods number and certifies that the Goods have been sold by the Store.
6. The right to withdraw is only granted to persons who are Consumers. A consumer is a natural person who performs a legal transaction with the entrepreneur that is not directly related to his business or professional activity.

§27. Consequences of withdrawing from the contract

1. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Store returns to the Customer the full amount due for the purchased Goods (except for the costs of shipping the Goods from the Store to the Customer), immediately, and in any case not later than 14 days from the date on which the Store became aware of the decision to the right to withdraw from this contract.
2. The Store returns the payment using the same payment methods that were used by the Customer in the original transaction.
3. The costs of returning goods purchased in the online store are covered by the Customer.
4. The goods should be sent back to the Store by courier, so that the shipment can be monitored. The customer is responsible for insuring the package.
5. The date of crediting the Customer's account may be affected by the execution of payments by banks, credit card and payment service operators or other entities involved in the transfer of funds.
6. The period of payment execution does not depend on the Store and the Store is not responsible for delays in the execution of payments by the above entities.
7. The Customer shall deliver the Goods to the Store immediately, no later than 14 days from the date on which he informed the Store about the withdrawal from this contract. The deadline is
retained if the Customer sends back the Goods before the expiry of the 14-day period. The date of the postmark is decisive. The customer is only responsible for reducing the value of the item resulting from using it in a different way than was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.
8. The Store has the right to withhold the refund until receipt of the Goods from the Customer or until the Customer provides proof of sending the Goods within the indicated period, depending on which event occurs first.
9. The activation of the refund to the Customer depends on the Store finding that the returned Goods meet the conditions provided for by the relevant regulations, in particular that the Goods are intact, unused, unrepaired, and have an intact, undamaged security clip established by the Store (the so-called "security tag"). "), which is marked with the number of the Goods and certifies that the Goods have been sold by the Store.

§28. Model withdrawal form

1. The contract withdrawal form is available on the Store's website. The form should be completed and returned only if you wish to return the goods to the following address:
Szkolna 11 and Suchy Bor 46-053 tel: +48 512 333245

§29. Disclaimers

1. To entities that are not Consumers, the Parties exclude the Store's liability for defects in the Goods under the warranty and liability for damages.
2. To entities that are not Consumers, the Parties exclude the Store's liability for torts, unless the damage was caused by the Store's willful misconduct or a person for whom the Store is responsible.
3. To entities that are not Consumers, the Parties exclude the Store's liability for improper performance or non-performance of the obligation, unless the damage was caused by the Store's willful misconduct or a person for whom the Store is responsible.

§30 Gift certificates

1. These Terms and Conditions apply to gift vouchers purchased in the Store. The store reserves the right to modify or cancel these Terms and Conditions without notice.
2. The current version of the Terms and Conditions can be found on the Store's website.
3. Gift vouchers can be used in the online store
4. Gift vouchers do not authorize the purchase of Merchandise Brands.
5. You can pay for the entire order or part of it with a gift voucher. If the value of the voucher is less than the purchase value, you can choose an additional payment method to complete the transaction. The voucher can only be used once. If the order value is less than the purchase value, unused funds will not be refunded.
1. The gift voucher is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. After the validity period has expired, the voucher cannot be used for purchases. The voucher can only be used once.
2. If you choose to return products purchased with a voucher, you will receive a new gift voucher and, if an additional payment method was used, a refund of funds paid using that payment method. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.
3. The store bears no responsibility for the voucher in the event of its loss,
theft or destruction. Gift vouchers should be treated like cash.

§31. newsletter

1. The store provides the option of receiving the Newsletter, which is sent by e-mail.
2. Subscription to the Newsletter requires providing an e-mail address in
in the appropriate field on the Store's website and pressing the button
3. Entering the e-mail address combined with pressing the button
"Subscribe" means that the person who provides the address:
a) wants to receive the Newsletter and the commercial information contained therein,
b) consents to the processing of his personal data in accordance with the Regulations and the Privacy Policy of the Store.
4. The recipient of the Newsletter may unsubscribe at any time by using the link in each message containing the Newsletter.

§32. Processing of personal data

1. The administrator of personal data is a Sole Proprietorship.
2. Personal data provided to Lussodi are provided voluntarily, however
with the proviso that failure to provide certain data makes it impossible to submit i
execution of the Customer's order.
3. The customer may also give separate consent to receive advertising and promotional materials from the Store, including the Newsletter.
4. The customer has the right to access his personal data and correct them, demand to stop processing them and object to their processing.
5. In the case of an Order of Goods with shipment to the Delivery Address, the Store may provide the relevant personal data of the Customer to the carrier. Then the Company is not responsible for the processing of the Customer's personal data by the carrier.
6. The provision of services to Customers by the Store and the sale of Goods may involve the transfer of personal data provided by the Customer to third countries. The Customer wishes the Store to transfer the above data to third countries, provided that the transfer is carried out in accordance with the provisions on the protection of personal data and is purposeful for the provision of services by the Store and the sale of Goods to Customers.
7. The Store takes technical and organizational measures to protect Customers' personal data.

§32. cookies

1. The store uses cookies. Cookies used by the Store are used to use certain functions of the Store's website, such as logging in or collecting statistics on user behavior. The customer may limit or block the use of cookies in the web browser settings.

§34. The proof of purchase

1. The proof of purchase of the Goods in the Store is a VAT invoice. Other proofs of purchase are only acceptable if they are credible verifying whether the Goods were purchased in the Store, at what price and on what date.
2. To withdraw from the contract without giving reasons, the obligation to leave intact, unrepaired and undamaged "Security Tag" clip on the Goods applies.

§35. Amendment of the Regulations

1. The Store may change the Regulations.
2. Changing the Regulations may consist in giving individual provisions new content, introducing new provisions, introducing the entire new Regulations, repealing provisions or the entire Regulations.
3. The circumstances justifying the change of the Regulations are important reasons, in particular the need to adapt to:
a) changes in the law, in particular the provisions of civil law and procedure
civil law, sales regulations, consumer protection, data protection
personal data, on the provision of electronic services;
b) jurisprudence of common and administrative courts, the Supreme Court,
the Supreme Administrative Court and the Constitutional Tribunal, the Tribunal
Justice of the European Union, courts and arbitration tribunals, and judgments of foreign courts, as long as they have legal effects in Poland;
c) administrative acts of administrative bodies, in particular the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection;
d) important economic or economic circumstances, in particular changes, extensions or reductions in the range of Goods or services of the Store;
e) technological changes;
f) trading habits;
g) the conditions of any insurance related to the Store's operations.
4. Each time the Store changes the Regulations:
a) will provide the Registered Customers with the amended Regulations to the E-mail Address no later than 14 days before the changes come into force;
b) will place the amended Regulations on the Store's website;
c) together with the amended Regulations, he will place relevant information on the subpages of the Store
a visible notification of the change, also visible for 30 days after the change takes effect;
d) notify the Registered Customer of the change at the next login to the Account;
e) for 90 days, maintain the Regulations in the version before the change on the Store's website;
f) will provide the amended Regulations to the Newsletter recipients no later than 14 days before the entry into force, provided that the change applies to the recipients.
5. The amendment to the Regulations binds the Customer, if he has not objected to the change at the end of the working day preceding the entry into force of the change. The objection must be sent to the e-mail address Submitting an objection is tantamount to termination of the Agreement by the Customer with immediate effect.
6. Termination does not affect the obligations that arose before the entry into force of the amendment to the Regulations in connection with the Orders accepted for execution, and concern, for example, delivery of the Goods, payment of the price, return of goods, refund of the price.
7. Termination does not affect the Store's right to process personal data to the extent permitted by the relevant provisions on personal data, in particular in order to secure the Store's legitimate interests.

§36. Termination of the contract for services provided electronically

1. Either party may terminate the Agreement without giving reasons with immediate effect.
2. The termination does not affect the rights and obligations arising from the concluded Agreements for the sale of Goods, in particular to deliver or return the Goods, pay or refund the price, indicate the applicable law, indicate only the competent court.

§37. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

1. Polish law shall apply to the Agreement for the sale of Goods in the Store.
2. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code or other laws applicable to the operation and functioning of the Store shall apply accordingly.
3. The competent court for resolving disputes is the common court with local jurisdiction according to applicable regulations.

§38. Exclusion of the Vienna Convention

1. United Nations Convention on International Sales Contracts
goods (the so-called Vienna Convention or CISG) is not applicable.

§39. Entry into force and amendments to the Regulations

1. These Regulations come into force on the day of publication on the Store's website.
2. These Regulations may be changed, and information about changes to the Regulations will be sent to customers to the email address indicated in the order 14 days before the amended Regulations come into force.
3. In addition, changes to the Regulations will be published on the Store's website 14 days before the entry into force of the new Regulations.
4. All Orders accepted by the Store for execution before the change date
of the Regulations are implemented on the basis of the regulations that were in force on
placing an order by the customer.
5. If the Customer does not accept the new content of the Regulations, he is obliged
notify the Store of this fact within 14 days from the date of notification of the change in the Regulations.

§40. Notifications

1. Store notifications should be sent to the following address:
Lussodi Szkolna 11a 46-053 Suchy Bor
Notifications to the Customer may be made in accordance with the data provided in
Order Form or when registering an Account.